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VBS at Rocky Valley Baptist Church

Pastor Jason Mull

Author: Pastor Jason Mull

Things I’ve learned in my first 4 months as a Pastor

 November 23, 2015 I walked into my office at Rocky Valley Baptist Church. This was neither my first job, nor even my first time to start a new and exciting career, however it was my first day as a full time pastor of a church. For most of us, becoming a pastor doesn’t happen the day after you surrender to the call to preach so you spend years coming up with ideas of what you will do when the day finally comes that God opens that door. For me on that day I sat in my office and the startling realization that I did not really know exactly what to do now hit me like a freight train barreling down the tracks. Now, only three months in, I would like to share the top 3 things I have learned about being a pastor.

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